I Am

Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.’”

Exodus 3:13-14a

Moses found his life forever changed by the encounter of the burning bush.  In that exchange, he left with a purpose and commission greater than he could have ever anticipated on his own.  He doubted his own capability and leaned wisely on the authority of the One who was giving the commission.  “Who should I tell the people sent me with this great task and the authority to see it done?” (my paraphrase) The response came, “I am who I am.” 

At first, this seems like an evasion of the question.  The true meaning of this answer would not be fully realized until centuries later.  Jesus came to the earth doing amazing things and teaching marvelous truths.  Many people in his day wondered the same question about Jesus as Moses was asking about himself.  By who’s authority did Jesus come and perform such incredible feats? 

The Gospel of John records seven powerful statements made by Jesus about his own identity.  Each statement is packed with meaning and reveals to His followers the nature of God, the purpose for which Jesus came, and our own identity in the will of God.  Each statement begins with those long-cherished words given to Moses as a means of authority and self-revelation of our Father in Heaven.

I AM the bread of life – I AM the Light of the World – I AM the Door – I AM the Good Shepherd – I AM the Resurrection and the Life – I AM the Way the Truth and the Life – I AM the True Vine

 As we go through these potent statements of revelation through July and August, my prayer is that the nature of God, the purpose for which Jesus came, and your personal identity in the will of God will be discovered in a fresh and promising way.

I love you all!

Pastor David

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