September Sermon Series
The preaching emphases at Enon the last three months has been very potent. In June, we focused on what tearing down unhealthy walls and building healthy ones looks like. In July, we focused on the reality of spiritual warfare and how we can be effective in fighting the good fight. In August, we considered the need for each of us to examine our lives and resist the temptation of idols, or remove any idols that have crept their way in.
In September, the preaching is meant to encourage you that through all these things…”God’s Got You”! He’s promised you His Divine Protection! He’s promised you His Strength and Power! He’s promised you can Overcome in this life! He’s promised you amazing Eternal Rewards!
So, rather than try to avoid the hard work, the battles, the difficulties and troubles that come our way; Jesus is calling us to, “Take heart, work, fight and stand strong because…God’s Got You!”
Looking forward to the good things God’s got to say! Pastor Tammy