September 2023
The preaching focus at Enon this month is PRAYER. In Andrew Murray’s classic
“With Christ in the School of Prayer,” Murray writes: “The disciples had been with
Christ, and seen Him pray. They had learned to understand something of the
connection between His wondrous life in public, and His secret life of prayer.
They had learned to believe in Him as a Master in the art of prayer-none could
pray like Him. And so they came to Him with the request, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’
And in after years, they would have told us that there were few things more
wonderful or blessed that He taught them than His lessons on prayer… ‘”
Murray continues, “And as we see Him pray, and remember that there is none
who can pray like Him, and none who can teach like Him, WE feel the petition of
the disciples, ‘Lord, teach US to pray…’ Though in its beginnings prayer is so
simple that the feeblest child can pray, yet it is at the same time the highest and
holiest work to which man (a person) can rise. ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ We have
read in Thy Word with what power Thy believing people of old used to pray, and
what mighty wonders were done in answer to their prayers… ‘Lord, teach us to
pray.’ Yes, we feel the need now of being taught to pray…”
Then Andrew Murray prays, “Blessed Lord! …who ever lived to pray, You can
teach me too to pray, me too to live ever to pray. In this You loved to make me
share Your glory in heaven, that I should pray without ceasing, and ever stand as a
priest in the presence of my God.”
I encourage you to get a copy of this classic and commit to a prayer journey this
month that has the potential of impacting our world for Jesus like never before.
Praying that we will never stop growing in prayer,
Pastor Tammy