Starting February 19th
In the second chapter of Acts we get a picture of how the early church stayed connected with one another as they enjoyed rapid church growth. Acts 2: 46-47 says, “They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity – and each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.”
A unique way to reinforce growth
The development of Growth Groups puts the power of fellowship and discipleship together in order to strengthen our growth into mature Christians. We will be kicking off our first semester of Growth Groups in the third week of January. Now is the time to look over the information, pray and decided which group would best help you become a fully developing follower of Jesus Christ.
Sign up Deadline: Sunday, February 12
Teacher: Rev. David Kelle
When: Sunday Evenings 6pm – 7:30pm
Starting Feb. 19 (6-week study)
Where: Enon Church
Cost: $0/person
This Growth Group will be focusing on 5 spiritual disciplines that were foundational in the life of Jesus. As we walk with Jesus in the pages of scripture we will discover how these disciplines formed the foundation of His life, His relationship with the Father and His ministry. We will seek to understand them and apply them to our lives, our relationship with the Father and the ministry that He has called us to. Come along, let’s walk with Him. Let’s walk so closely to Him that the dust He stirs up as He lives out these spiritual disciplines will settle on us.
Teacher: Shana Hyneman
When: Sunday Evenings 6pm – 7:30pm
Where: Enon Church
Starting Feb. 19 (7-week study)
Cost: $0/person
Psalms is one of the most loved and most often quoted books of the Bible. Its words have healed more hurts and dried more tears than any other section of scripture. Every human emotion finds expression in Psalms, emotions from rage to love, and from despair to soaring confidence. Come and see why the verses in Psalms are turned to, memorized, and treasured by so many. Whatever the reason for your interest, be prepared for an exciting section of God’s Word! You will emerge changed as you meet God in these Psalms.
Teacher: Pastor David
When: Sunday Evenings 6pm – 7:30pm
Starting Feb. 19 (7-week study)
Where: Enon Church
Cost: $10/person
If you invited money to pull up a chair and give you its best advice, you might be surprised that what it would say is pretty close to what Jesus did say two thousand years ago. It turns out, that the secret to financial success isn’t a secret at all. It’s just not at all what we expect. This study offers an approach to money that will make your life better and make you better at life. You will find these insights challenging, refreshing, and extraordinarily practical.
Fill out the form below and register for the Growth Group of your choosing. We are excited to grow with you!