Fall Growth Group

Starting September 20, 2020

Goliath Must Fall

Teacher: Pastor DavidWhen: Sunday Evenings
Where: Enon SanctuaryTime: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Cost: $9/person7 week study

It’s likely you have a threatening giant in your life … an adversary or stronghold that’s diminishing your ability to live a full and free life.  Frozen in the grip of rejection, fear, anger, comfort, or addiction, you’ve lost sight of the promise God has for your life.  Demoralized and defeated, you’ve settled for far less than his best.

God has a better plan for you – a plan for you to live in victory.  That’s why he has silenced your giant once and for all. 

In this six-session video Bible Study, Pastor Louie Giglio uncovers a newfound twist in the classic story of David and Goliath.  He shows how the key to living free from our giants is not better slingshot accuracy, but keeping our eyes on the one and only giant-slayer: Jesus. 

Louie walks us toward the road to redemption through godly wisdom and relatable transparency.  He doesn’t just help us conquer the Goliaths in our life; he shares his own.  This book offers freedom for anyone who is willing to face their giants. 

Sign up now:

  1. Call or email Enon church and ask to be added to the roster.
  2. Fill out the connection card during service and drop it in the collection.
  3. Sign up on the main hallway bulletin board.
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